And now for something not related to tuffets and tuffet supplies:
I'm working on a Lone Star quilt for Quilt-agious. I don't know when the class will be scheduled yet, but I'll let you know!
It's based on a QuiltSmart foundation. I love how close the points are. And there are no diamonds to cut or sew; instead it employs a stitch, flip, trim method. The perfect points come from sewing on a line and it's pretty darn near perfect every time.
Because the star is fused into lightweight interfacing, it's stiffer than if it were just fabric. I'm not sure how that will feel in the end. I'll keep this one small to test it out and report back.
I can't decide what to do for the background. I want to make it special. Maybe I'll be able to find ombré or something unsual.