We had a big class at Quintessential Quilts in Madison this spring. Check these out! (Pssst... I'm up to March now!)
Hey, did you know that I'll run private tuffet classes? This one happened to be at my house, but I now have a space in Madison where I can teach small private classes! So if you have a group who wants to make a tuffet, contact me! This particular group is a craft collection of moms from my daughter's school.
Hey, I have finally reached the current year in my tuffet post backlog! Time to celebrate! (woohoo)
This post is brought to you by Quilt Play in Grayslake, Illinois. Yes, this Cheesehead made her way across the border, and not for the first time! Quilt Play is an awesome, modern shop and I want to buy everything there. |
November 2017