I'm using Weebly to host, and for the most part, their templates are reasonably easy to use. Though I have a history in IT, I've been so far removed from it that my knowledge just isn't that useful any more. It's like being a really good switchboard operator and being given a smartphone. Luckily, so many things are just drag and drop, it's not a problem. I may play around with templates until I settle on the right one.
I also may copy over some of my posts from My Feed Dogs Are Down, mostly the ones that give advice or instruction. I may feature these as my very own little Throwback Thursday.
In the meantime, my Meg's Garden quilt was given Viewer's Choice in the Madison Modern Quilt Guild's exhibition at the Sun Prairie Quilt Show on Tuesday. The pattern is Meg's Garden from Don't Look Now. While at that show, I got to docent for the first time, which meant I got to be one of the white glove ladies. I also got to know one of my fellow MMQG members while she co-docented (we're saying that's a word). That gave me the chance to really look the quilts that other members had entered. Seeing |
Until next time, which I'm sure will be a tuffet update, please enjoy a slideshow of the work of the Madison Modern Quilt Guild!